Saturday 16 June 2012

Pining for the Fjords.

We woke to yet another beautiful morning....sorry! After a relaxed and sunny breakfast, we had a walk down on to the bridge over the nearby river to check out why it was so noisy. Several Swedes were teetering on the parapet :-)......

This made us a bit later away than has been usual, but the roads were empty and the ride was easy going, west towards Sorsele where, after an initial miss-fire, we got the right road out to Slussfors. What a cracker. A fabulous rollercoaster of a road climbing steadily up into the mountains. The weather held for us too, though there was a bit more cloud around. It was on this section that we saw a moose, as it moved off the verge and into the trees, and a herd of Rudolphs.

We had an interesting experience at a coffee stop in Slussfors. The old guy was really friendly, but maybe a little odd. The SGD reckoned, rather unkindly I thought, that he could hear banjo music. Nevertheless, his coffee was excellent and his insistence on telling us all about his 'Air Box Cleaner' invention was memorable....especially as he rattled on in Swedish. Mind you, ever tried speaking Ewok....ya ken?

The run south to the next place was interesting, as was the place name...Dikanas....or Gentsgenitalia as I will henceforth refer to it.....think about it :-) Anyway, we had to negotiate about 20 km of dirt road to get there, which was fortunately hard packed and pretty dry. Good fun as usual.

A lunch stop at a very nice cafe in Gentsgenitalia picked us up nicely and we then moved west to Trofors. Another, tighter, roller coaster that took us pretty high into the mountains and through some spectacular valleys. This was great stuff and the bikes perfect for it due to some really dodgy road surface irregularities. This was quite an eventful stretch too: Avoiding deer, a horse that bolted between the two bikes (pull em hard and the brakes work quite well on the Tiger) and a guy rollerskiing up the middle of the road.


Just don't ask how I took this:

From Trofors, we headed south on the main E6 and happened across the Svenningdal campsite near to Strendene. The super friendly guy on reception took virtually nowt off us and told us to pitch where we liked. Great facilities and another wonderous location beside a river and bracketed by snow capped mountains.

It's a bit grey and cooling off now and I've meditated, so I'm off for a brew and a meat pie.


1 comment:

  1. Trying to track you from Sweden to Norway, but the Multimaps software got lost and you ended up in Hungary - not bad for one days riding.
    amazing pictures, gives you a great sense of wilderness.
    Stay safe
