Tuesday, 12 June 2012

A Day in the Estonian Capital.

Sunday 10th June:

What a glorious morning it was in Tallinn. Shorts and T shirts weather for sure, though many of the locals continue to wrap up as if it's winter?

We headed for the old town and walked through Toompark and around the mediaeval walls, soaking up the sunshine, before hitting the cobbled streets within.

It's been very tastefully renovated over the past 20 years, having previously been neglected whilst the Ruskies ruled, and is now a pretty, rustic place to wander around for a few hours. Touristy, but not horrendously so. There's clearly plenty to do and see, with lots of historical sites and several museums, but barely had time to scratch the surface.



The central square; Raekoja Plats.



Some cool dude muscled in on this shot...sorry.






We ambled round for a few hours, had cake & coffee (obviously) and then headed back to the Humala guest house and put our feet up for a couple of hours, before returning in the evening to eat. That turned out to be a bit disappointing though, in that there wasn't much life about. Mind you, Sunday night and all that. We quit early, mindful of our early start in the morning........lightweights!


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