Wednesday 20 June 2012

Days of our Lives.

Tuesday 19th June:

You know, over the years I have been lucky enough to have ridden a motorcycle on some of the best roads in Europe, if not the world. Without doubt, few things stir the soul more than the connected feeling you get with the landscape and elements when you are riding a motorcycle. The more challenging the roads and environment, the more it gets to you. Today I rode my motorcycle on a journey through some of the most magnificent scenery in the world.

Paradoxically, it's left me both buzzing and numb.........just checkout a few'll get it....


You will inevitably use a lot of these if you visit the Fjords



Trollstigen Pass










Valldal...a bit arty I know..









GeirangerPass & Fjord.






The road to Lom.
A little bit of video....note that my heated grips were on!

I think I'm just a bit tired and stunned as I write this. Reflecting on it at this hour is all a bit too much, so I going to be very brief: Molde to Vestnes on the ferry in sunshine. Skirted Romsdalsfjord for 25 miles to Andalsnes, then took the Trollstigen Pass to Valldal. Ferry to Eidsdal and then the incredible Geiranger Pass. This is one of the most beautiful and challenging routes you will find anywhere. It started snowing on the latter part! Magnificent! Then it was onto Lom, where we've found a decent campsite. It's been sunny most of the day and remains so now, but it's a lot colder than we're used to, so I hope Steve's Woolworths sleeping bag holds up! It wouldn't be the first time on this trip that he's slept fully clothed in his sleeping bag.

ps. He's dropped his helmet again and tripped over one of my guy ropes for the 57th'd think someone with his head that close to the ground would notice them :-)



1 comment:

  1. Hey Guys
    Snowing in Norway, bit unusual isn't it!
    The picture are simply amazing, makes you want to go back and ride it all again.
    Managed to get offshore and access to the net.
    Saw the pics of the Triumph Steve must have a double story garage for all his toys, when will he ride them all?
    Be safe
